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Editing Items#

A commonly asked question when it comes to handling view items is how to edit them. View items are exposed through the View.children property, which contains a list of all added view items. Additionally, view items can be queried using View.get_item_by and View.get_item_by_id. Editing a specific item is as simple as changing the desired properties, then editing the message with the updated view.


import hikari
import miru

class EditView(miru.View):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.counter = 0

    @miru.button(label="Counter: 0", style=hikari.ButtonStyle.PRIMARY)
    async def counter_button(self, ctx: miru.ViewContext, button: miru.Button) -> None:
        self.counter += 1
        # Change the property we want to edit
        button.label = f"Counter: {self.counter}"
        # Re-send the view components
        await ctx.edit_response(components=self)

    @miru.button(label="Disable Menu", style=hikari.ButtonStyle.DANGER)
    async def disable_button(self, ctx: miru.ViewContext, button: miru.Button) -> None:
        # Disable all items attached to the view
        for item in self.children:
            item.disabled = True
        await ctx.edit_response(components=self)

Using the above view code should generate a button, that when clicked, increments it's counter shown on the label. The second button iterates through all items attached to the view and disables them, then stops the view.